Our services offer comprehensive evaluation methodologies, performance assessments, baseline assessments, and program design frameworks to ensure effective monitoring and evaluation of projects and programs.
We offer a comprehensive range of M&E services tailored to the specific needs of each organisation. Our expert team is dedicated to helping you effectively assess and improve your projects, programs, and policies. With our rigorous methodologies and customized approach, we ensure accurate and reliable evaluation results that drive informed decision-making. The key services we provide include:
Independent Evaluation
Our evaluations utilize a range of methodologies, including the esteemed Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development's Development Assistance Committee (OECD DAC) criteria, outcome harvesting, and the Most Significant Change (MSC) approach. We can also adapt our methodology to meet your specific requirements or utilize our proprietary approach.
Performance Assessment
We conduct comprehensive assessments of organisations' performance or services, measuring them against established goals, objectives, and key performance indicators (KPIs). This process provides a holistic understanding of whether your organisation is effectively progressing towards its strategic objectives or requires adjustments in its approach.
Baseline Assessment
Before implementing a project or program, it is vital to measure the state of indicators as a benchmark for later comparison and impact evaluation. Our baseline assessments provide a solid foundation for measuring and evaluating the effectiveness of interventions.
Designing Program's Theory of Change and Logical Framework
We assist in developing a clear and concise theory of change for your program, mapping out the pathway to achieving desired goals. Additionally, we design logical frameworks that provide a structured framework for specifying program components and establishing logical linkages between inputs, outputs, outcomes, and impacts.
M&E Outsourcing
For organisations in need of M&E services but lacking the resources to maintain a full-time, in-house team, we offer M&E outsourcing. This service allows you to leverage our expertise and benefit from high-quality M&E services without the burden of hiring and managing additional staff.