Training and Capacity Building

We offer flexible and customizable training modules led by experienced experts, emphasizing ethical practices, inclusivity, and the application of theoretical knowledge to practical situations.

We offer comprehensive Training and Capacity Building services to equip individuals and organisations with the knowledge and skills they need to excel in their respective fields. Ethical practices and inclusivity are core principles in our trainings, emphasizing transparency, accountability, and gender mainstreaming. Our range of expertise includes the following modules:

Gender Mainstreaming and Inclusive Environment

Our training focuses on understanding gender mainstreaming, conducting gender analysis and assessment, implementing gender-responsive programs, fostering inclusive workplaces and organizational cultures, and employing gender-responsive advocacy and communication techniques.

Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, and Learning (MEAL)

We provide training on MEAL methodologies, including introduction to MEAL, evaluation planning and design, data collection and analysis, utilization of evaluation findings for program improvement, and ethical considerations in evaluation.

Stakeholder Engagement and Organisation's Diplomacy

Participants learn about participatory approaches in strategic planning, organisational and project diplomacy, stakeholder analysis and engagement strategies, advocacy and policy engagement techniques, building effective partnerships and alliances, and promoting effective citizen engagement during emergencies and disasters.

Governance and AML/TF Compliance for NGOs

Our training focuses on good governance principles and practices, financial management and accountability, risk management and internal controls, anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorism financing (TF) compliance, development of effective policies and procedures, transparency and accountability in NGO operations, and due diligence and beneficial ownership.